Apr 24, 2024
Thelen Auto Group Service Center

Let the Thelen Auto Group Service Your Vehicle Air Filters

With spring weather comes the return of pollen and other airborne debris that can make driving around Central Michigan an uncomfortable experience if you haven’t had the air filters in your vehicle replaced recently. These elements can also impact the performance and efficiency of your powertrain and your HVAC system by clogging up airflow and making it more difficult for these parts of your vehicle to function properly. As such, the Thelen Auto Group in Bay City, MI, is here to explain why having both your cabin and engine air filters replaced this spring will make cruising around the Great Lakes Bay Region a much more enjoyable experience for everyone in the family. By choosing one of our convenient Service Centers to handle the work for you, you can get back on the road with confidence that your vehicle is equipped with filters made for your make and model. 

Reasons to Change Your Air Filters This Spring in Michigan

The Cabin Air Filter Keeps the HVAC System Functioning Efficiently –

When the cabin air filter in your vehicle hasn’t been replaced in a while, the clogged airflow makes it more difficult for its HVAC system to function properly. As such, more energy has to be devoted to getting the same quality circulation throughout the vehicle. This directly impacts your vehicle’s efficiency in the long term, as well as becoming noticeable inside the cabin with less fresh air quality. Therefore, investing in a new air filter for your cabin is a worthwhile service. 

Peak Performance & Efficiency Achieved with a Fresh Engine Air Filter –

You and your family aren’t the only reason to have new air filters put into your vehicle. When you have an old and clogged engine air filter equipped, the airflow going into your engine becomes stymied as well. Poor air circulation through your engine results in a performance reduction and reduced efficiency as your engine has to work harder to achieve similar results as if it had a fresh air filter fitted. Spring is the perfect time to have this service done as you can get ahead of all the dust, dirt, and other elements that can start hampering your vehicle’s long-term performance.